24 December 2005

Happy Holidays!

A small collection of pictures taken at the cabin.

Kate and Anthony (and Boca) in Tucson from a few weeks ago. They like books apparently.

Yay for tree decorations!

A self portrait in front of the tree, obviously.

Here we are in front of the tree. My egg nog is rum free. I swear.

13 December 2005

A few more...

Well, I'm back in the states after another great tour with Barbez. I still have a few more pictures to post, but I'm almost done I swear. I hope everyone is doing well and maybe there will be some Christmas pictures up in a week or so. DS

This guy will make you a great ham and cheese--sorry--crepe avec jambon et fromage if you ask him to.

You can meet some shady characters cruising the streets of Paris.

The second night in Paris we played down the street from the Sacre Coer (sp?) at a small club for some reason called "Le Cafe Montmarte."

We closed out the club at the end of the night.

Here are some tourist pictures I took on our extra day in Paris.

07 December 2005

Good lord!

More pictures! Croatia through the first night in Paris.

Dan had to pay a visit to the border guards in Croatia. He still hasn't spoken fully of what happened. Though maybe he was just changing money. Will we ever know the truth?

Here are some pictures from the theater in Zabreb. After the show, Dan tried to impress Cecile and her friend with his yoga skills

It can be cold and snowy in Germany.

Pam is making the "Bufeo" symbol on stage. This is something we learned about in Portugal. It is now the official Barbez greeting.

Here we are at Hafen 2 in Offenback, Germany. They like geese. So do we.

We played at a great converted barn in Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium called Ferme du BiƩreau. The name is apparently a play on Bureau and Beer but how it's funny, I don't know.

We ate a nice home cooked meal once we got to Louvain-la-Neuve.

Our show was in a nice old barn.

The beer in Belgium is very good. Maybe a little too good.

Hanging out on Balconies in Paris can be a lot of fun.

Larry Int'l opened up both shows in Paris with us performing his freak show. He is a great guy and has a good show. Also, he likes to stick sharp objects in his body.