30 March 2008

I've decided to try and restart this thing....

OK, so no one reads my web log. I've decided to try and start updating this thing more frequently. We'll see how well that goes. At this point, I'm primarily going to be linking to cool shit I find on the internet. I don't have time yet to post my own stuff, but maybe someday.... In the mean time, here's a cool jpg of the work of an artist that I don't know the name of. Does anybody else?

Germans have the right idea.

A group of German hackers have published the finger print of the German Secretary of the Interior, Wolfgang Schäuble. The club is protesting Germany's efforts to implement biometric data for things from passports to credit cards. From Slashdot.org:
Someone friendly to the club's aims captured Schäuble's fingerprint from a glass he drank from at a panel discussion. The club published 4,000 copies of their magazine Die Datenschleuder including a plastic foil reproducing the minister's fingerprint — ready to glue to someone else's finger to provide a false biometric reading. The CCC has a page on their site detailing how to make such a fake fingerprint. The article says a ministry spokesman alluded to possible legal action against the club.
Here's a link to the original German page, translated via Google.