05 October 2009

Another New Apartment

OK, so I've moved again. This time up to Wedding. North of Tiergarten and Mitte I am in some ways very far from most "hip" areas. I'm only 10-15 minutes away from work by Bike or Train now, so that's a whole lot better.

The new apartment is a basically above the U-Bahn and about a 5-7 minute walk to the S-Bahn.  Also, there seem to be a number of parks around. I might try and run again one day, if I can ever get my act together. They seem prime.

My new ride isn't too bad either. I can't compare with the awesomeness that was my first ride. On that ride I got to go through Mitte and ride past Alexanderplatz, Museum island and other great buildings. You can see in the picture pretty clearly Tiergarten in the center and the Spree River cutting and splitting through the city. This new ride is about half as long though and I do get to cut through a small corner of the Tiergarten on my way to work. It might be interesting to see the park change, especially now during Fall or Herbst, as the Deutch say. 

Until next time, Auf Wiedersehn.