25 August 2006

Final Pics

Some final views of the project. Still no paint (it was raining almost every day) or final landscaping. That's to come some day though!


Here are more pictures of Dad and I finishing off the ramada.

Ramada construction

Here's some pics of the installation of the first post, the flagstone path with the posts and beams alongside, the first posts and beams up from the corner of the lot, me using the hammer drill to place the straps in the existing concrete pad for some posts, and a close-up of the wall caps for the outside beams.

more pics...

Here's some pics of the flagstone path and the completion of the ramada. I don't know the days they happened anymore but hopefully they are vaguely in order. (Or reverse order as the case may be.)

17 August 2006

Day 3 of Patio Building

We put CMU caps on the wall and coated it with SBC

Day 2 of Patio Building

After dry stacking the CMUs we coated the wall in SBC.

Day 1 of Patio Building

First we set a course of CMU in the SBC (that's Surface Bonding Cement to y'all) and then dry stacked the rest of the bricks.

4th of July Trip to Sequoia

In over Paradise Ridge...

New Bridge over Eagle Creek

Hanging out at Redwood

Out Timber Gap