13 June 2008

St. Petri, Klippan

Here are a couple of images of the church that I flew all the way to Sweden to study. I will try and write more soon because as I said in the previous post, with the lack of internet connections, I am playing a little bit of catch up. I wanted to put at least some architecture up first though.

The chapel was designed by Sigurd Lewerentz, a somewhat famous Swedish architect who is pretty much unknown outside of Sweden. It was completed in 1966 when Lewerentz was in his 70s and is his last major work (I believe).

I apologize for the image quality of this panorama. I just bought a new camera (the Canon Rebel XT, which I am so far happy with) and didn't quite know how to use it the first day. Hence, the blown out sky.

Anyway, the church is amazing in a quiet, subtle way. Comprised almost completely of brick with minimal openings it is dark, cavernous and not a little mysterious. I will try and explain as best as I can in the next few weeks.

Here is a picture of the main space which slopes slightly down towards the east and the main alter.

This is simply a cool little light fixture I found in the passage way that leads to from the sacristy and offices to the main space.

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