29 December 2009

Oops...forgot to link these photos: Athens, Greece!

I took a trip to Athens at the end of October into the beginning of November. I went to take pictures of a building featured in the upcoming O'Neil Ford Monograph 3. I'll include some of those pictures shortly. Anyway, here's the link:

24 December 2009

How should I cook this?

I bought this "beef" at the store today because it looked decent and was, well, cheap. Any thoughts on how I should cook this? It appears that the bone is still on there. Is the cut from the spine maybe? I really should start to learn these things...

The package says "Rinderhesse" which besides translating to "beef something" completely leaves me in the dark. 

Christmas "Tree"

I made a Christmas Tree for my apartment here in Berlin. Really its a Christmas "Tree" because I just went to the market in Leopoldplatz and bought a branch of some European fir that they had. It cost 1 Euro. Then I went to the Woolworth and bought some lights for 1.50 Euro. You can see the results. 

Unfortunately, it doesn't have any fragrance whatsoever, but it does look mildly festive, doesn't it? 

Christmas Nog

So I decided to make some home made Egg Nog because the German's don't seem to know of it. Makes sense. It's probably English or something. I've had my fill of Gluewine though and I had some time on my hands. Why not? Well, after I discovered a recipe that called for 2 cups of bourbon, I was sold. 

I even went as far as separate the eggs. Yes. I have too much time on my hands. I was happy here because I'm about to measure out some whiskey. 

I didn't take any pictures of the main mixing part. Here it is before I add the whipped up egg whites. Mmmm.

And finally we've got a nice glass of Egg Nog. Its pretty good too, if I don't say so myself. And strong! I think I'm a little buzzed after only two drinks. That could be because I haven't had dinner yet thought. Now I've only got to get through like 8 glasses of Egg Nog....