28 July 2005

Recent Activity

So on Sunday a recording session fell into my lap. My friend Toby called me up and said, "Hey Dan, do you want to record with me and John Klos?" I thought for a few seconds...hmmm...work at the record store or actually make a record. What will it be? I immediately started working on someone to cover my shifts and before I knew it, I was in Jay Bennet's studio on Chicago's NW side. We spent about 3 days there messing around with John's songs and I think we got some good takes. If the record ever comes out, I will put up some mp3s. Until then, here's some pictures. The group was: John Klos (pronouced close) on piano, guitar, vocals and songwriting duties; Sam on guitar; Toby Summerfield on bass; Emmit on guitar; and Dave was the engineer. If I ever find out everyone's last name, I will put that up. Until then, hope everyone is well.

John about to sing and play the piano.

My drum set up for many of the songs. See the shirts on the drums? Think "Come Together" by the Beatles.

John at the piano

Sam lays down some guitar

Toby tunes up

The Tobe gets ready to lay down some sick bass lines.

23 July 2005

Bill Walton is tall

A funny picture of me and Bill Walton taken by my brother-in-law Anthony. I think this photo is funny enough that other people should see it.

One of these people is Bill Walton

Memphis, TN is pretty cool

On the way back from Austin, Mike and I decided to take a different route to Chicago, going through Arkansas and Missouri. We drove through the parking lot of the new Clinton library. That was pre-morning coffee though, so no stopping for us. Later that day, we got so close to Memphis that we decided to stop. I'm glad we did because I finally saw what a great city it is. And we quickly visited Sun and Stax Records for some photo ops. Little did we know that we still had 9 hours of driving.

Mike striking a classic pose in front of Sun Records.

Apparently, I'm too cool for school.

Mike in front of Stax

Mike looks really good jumping. I think he must practice.

I still can't believe how incredibly gay I look in this photo.

This is me landing, after another jump. I'm telling you though, this jump was unbelievably cool. I didn't look gay at all. Trust me.

22 July 2005

Howling Hex

Here are some pictures fromt the Howling Hex show at the Alamo Drafthouse in Austin, TX on July 12, 2005. If you look closely, you'll notice I have a microphone. First time for me, that. Singing and playing drums. I will not however, under any circumstances, perform "Hotel California".

Dan, Neil and Jesse

Don, Neil, Dan, Jesse, Mike and Sean

Sean plays the 12 string too.

Jesse and Mike

Neil and Jesse like music

L-R: Don, Mark, Neil, Jesse and Mike

L-R: Dan, Don, Mark, Neil, Nick, Jesse and Mike. Yes, we all fit on that stage.

Mike and Sean contemplate the next song.

R-L: Nick and Mark rock on.

L-R: Don, Neil (down behind the All-Night Fox banner), Dan, Jesse, Mark and Mike

L-R: Don, Neil (goes down behind the All Night Fox banner), Dan, Jesse, Mark, Mike and Sean

Pics from Howling Hex Tour

Here are some photos from the tour with the Howling Hex down in Texas July 10-14 ish.

These first couple are obviously of me and Mike driving down to ol' Texas. Long long drive. Not very exciting.

20 July 2005

First things first

Here's a hopefully easier to read, though no less incomplete, tour list with Barbez. I'm not sure if this is public info yet so if you aren't a friend or family member, git!

  • 9/7 Boston/Northampton, MA
  • 9/8 Portland, ME - The Space w/ Cerberus Shoal
  • 9/9 Philadelphia, PA - MillcreekTavern w/ Red Rocket
  • 9/10 NYC - Tonic
  • 9/11 Baltimore,MD - Supreme Imperial w/ Fading Son
  • 9/12 Raleigh/Durham, NC – Buhanan
  • 9/13 Mobile, AL - Satori Coffee
  • 9/14 New Orleans,LA – Mexico1910 or Howlin Wolf (the club)
  • 9/15 Austin,TX - Flamingo Cantina w/ Invincible Czars & Bee vs. Moth
  • 9/16 Houston, TX - Rudyard’s Pub w/ Two Star Symphony
  • 9/17 Los Angeles,CA - UCLA Live w/ MC 5 & Sun Ra Arkestra !!!!!!!
  • 9/18 Oklahoma City,OK - Conservatory
  • 9/19 Albuquerque,NM - Solaris
  • 9/20 Tucson,AZ - Solar Culture
  • 9/21 San Diego,CA –
  • 9/22 Los Angeles, CA –
  • 9/23 San Francisco, CA –
  • 9/24 Portland,OR – Dante’s
  • 9/25 Seattle,WA –
  • 9/26 Missoula, MT - M.A.R.S. space
  • 9/27 Salt Lake City, UT – still in the works…
  • 9/28 Denver, CO -
  • 9/29 Kansas City,MO - The Brick
  • 9/30 Bloomington,IN - Second Story
  • 10/1 Empty Bottle – Chicago, IL - w/Spires that in the Sunset Rise
  • 10/2 Madison,WI –
  • 10/3 Newport, KY -
  • 10/4 Asheville, NC - The Grey Eagle
  • 10/5 Knoxville, TN -
  • 10/6 Athens,GA -
  • 10/7 Indianapolis, IN– w/ Sleepytime Gorilla Museum
  • 10/8 NYC – Lyceum
  • 10/9 Wash, DC -

Well, this is cheap and exploitive, but here it goes....

Hello friends and family!

I know that this is very trendy and too many people are posting on the internet but I thought this may be the best way to keep in contact for the next few months. In fact, I'm really put off by "blogging." I frickin' hate that word. If anything, I'm posting web logs. That's web *space* logs. I hope that I never blog in my life and especially not in front of other people. That's just not decent. Anyway, in the future this or something like it will be moved to the dansylvester.com domain that my dad bought for me in a storm or creative foresight (he's good at that). Then I can get rid of any vestiges of the "b" word. Goddamn, it's even in the web address for this whole affair. Ah well, it can't be helped at the moment. I'm a bit too busy to figure out the fine print over at godaddy.com to make the jump to the afore mentioned eponymous website. Right now it's all quick and dirty provided free through google. Soon though, no more b word. More updates to hopefully follow soon with tour itineraries, pictures, and hopefully mp3s of what I'm working on. I hope every one is well.
