20 July 2005

Well, this is cheap and exploitive, but here it goes....

Hello friends and family!

I know that this is very trendy and too many people are posting on the internet but I thought this may be the best way to keep in contact for the next few months. In fact, I'm really put off by "blogging." I frickin' hate that word. If anything, I'm posting web logs. That's web *space* logs. I hope that I never blog in my life and especially not in front of other people. That's just not decent. Anyway, in the future this or something like it will be moved to the dansylvester.com domain that my dad bought for me in a storm or creative foresight (he's good at that). Then I can get rid of any vestiges of the "b" word. Goddamn, it's even in the web address for this whole affair. Ah well, it can't be helped at the moment. I'm a bit too busy to figure out the fine print over at godaddy.com to make the jump to the afore mentioned eponymous website. Right now it's all quick and dirty provided free through google. Soon though, no more b word. More updates to hopefully follow soon with tour itineraries, pictures, and hopefully mp3s of what I'm working on. I hope every one is well.



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