28 July 2005

Recent Activity

So on Sunday a recording session fell into my lap. My friend Toby called me up and said, "Hey Dan, do you want to record with me and John Klos?" I thought for a few seconds...hmmm...work at the record store or actually make a record. What will it be? I immediately started working on someone to cover my shifts and before I knew it, I was in Jay Bennet's studio on Chicago's NW side. We spent about 3 days there messing around with John's songs and I think we got some good takes. If the record ever comes out, I will put up some mp3s. Until then, here's some pictures. The group was: John Klos (pronouced close) on piano, guitar, vocals and songwriting duties; Sam on guitar; Toby Summerfield on bass; Emmit on guitar; and Dave was the engineer. If I ever find out everyone's last name, I will put that up. Until then, hope everyone is well.

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