25 December 2008


Here's a new dance mix. Its a little rough but I just recorded straight into my computer. Dig.


Damn Safety Glass

13 December 2008

30 September 2008

I'm on to Finland...catching up? We'll see how the rest of the day goes. Lovely day in Basel. I think it's a laundry day and then off to a Renzo Piano museum of modern sculpture. Also yesterday was the day that the financial markets ate it, just for some historical references.

Helsinki! September 11! Arrival and Saarinen the Elder!

28 September 2008

Stockholm Day 3

This day was rainy so I just went back with Joe and Jesse to the Lewerentz Office building.

Stockholm Day 3

Stockholm Day 2

Here's some pictures for Stockholm Day 2. I'll update some info soon.

Stockholm Day 2

Stockholm, Sweden Day 1

This is a panorama of the entrance of the Woodland Cemetery by Gunnar Asplund and Sigurd Lewerentz. After being there, I know understand why people say it is one of the most amazing landscapes of the 20th Century. Amazing.

So, I've been way behind. I am actually in Basel, Switzerland right now, which is great but fun. This morning we took a bus to France and the Ronchamp pligrimage church by Le Corbusier. I made the decision to draw and not take pictures. I'll get some from friends to post for the record. Then we drove to Germany and visited the Vitra Design Center, which is the headquarters of the Vitra furniture company. The visitors center is the first building by Frank Gehery in Europe, the fire station is by Zaha Hadid, the main production facilities are by Norman Foster, the warehouse is by Alvaro Siza and the conference pavillion is by Tadao Ando. Obviously there are a bunch of great architects building there. I'll post pictures soon (hopefully).

Anyway, here's Sweden (Day 1) and, yes folks, that's September 6 and 7.

Stockholm Day 1

24 September 2008

So we ride a lot of different transportation vehicles.

Such as city buses. This is a nice photo by Mr. Anderson. But have you noticed that my reflection is a creepy doppelganger of ill-will. Who is that guy? Oh, he's my reflection.

Then there is beer drinking.

and low light photos. Myself, Joseph Clark and Alexis Kurland get blurry.

What in God's name is so exciting up there? Oh. Bricks.

As traveling architects there is plenty of time devoted to walking and looking up at buildings. Joseph Clark, Jesse Anderson and myself participate in an Olso look-see. Courtesy of Ms. Wright-Swan.

A lot of our trip looks like this.

You travel with a bunch of people who love buildings/art/textures/colors, everyone's always shoot pictures of shit. And we're in every one's photos. Courtesy of Mr. Anderson. I think this is the Oslo Airport by the way. Apparently, Alexis and I like something over there.

19 September 2008

Additional Moscow Pictures

These are pictures by friend Alexis. Yes, even though he has a girl's name, he is a boy.

MOSCVA pt. 2

Gettin to it

Day 1: Moscow. I've tried to label the places where I could remember them. Can't find my Moscow map and it's hard to remember now.


10 September 2008

Russian Visa

Europe 2008 Travel Studio

Mass Update -- SWEDEN

So, I've finally gotten some of my Sweden pictures processed. Instead of adding them all to this web log though, I'm just going to link to a picassa web site.

This first link is to general St. Petri pictures.


And here are some architecture pictures of the group around Sweden (Lund and Stockholm).


And here is a random collection of pictures of the group up to no good.


18 June 2008

Cool Kids in Angelholm

Just a couple of 'mericans walkin' down the street in Angelholm, Sweden.
(L - R) Liqiao, Katie, Marcy, Trevor and Michael.

13 June 2008

BMW 1-series

OK. I'm a sucker for nice cars. I didn't think I was until I started driving BMWs. What can I say? They are very fun to drive. When I got to Copenhagen, they had rented all the Toyota Yaris (which I had a reservation for) and they upgraded me to a BMW 1-series hatchback. I want this car. A small hatchback that handles amazingly and is really, really fast. Oh, and it gets about 55 miles to the gallon.

Alright, I'll stop talking about the car now. I'm not that shallow.

St. Petri, Klippan

Here are a couple of images of the church that I flew all the way to Sweden to study. I will try and write more soon because as I said in the previous post, with the lack of internet connections, I am playing a little bit of catch up. I wanted to put at least some architecture up first though.

The chapel was designed by Sigurd Lewerentz, a somewhat famous Swedish architect who is pretty much unknown outside of Sweden. It was completed in 1966 when Lewerentz was in his 70s and is his last major work (I believe).

I apologize for the image quality of this panorama. I just bought a new camera (the Canon Rebel XT, which I am so far happy with) and didn't quite know how to use it the first day. Hence, the blown out sky.

Anyway, the church is amazing in a quiet, subtle way. Comprised almost completely of brick with minimal openings it is dark, cavernous and not a little mysterious. I will try and explain as best as I can in the next few weeks.

Here is a picture of the main space which slopes slightly down towards the east and the main alter.

This is simply a cool little light fixture I found in the passage way that leads to from the sacristy and offices to the main space.

So I am in Sweden, a country with little to no internet

I arrived in Copenhagen about a week ago and I sure thought that I would be able to update these posts pretty frequently. Boy I was wrong. The countryside and area of Sweden we are staying in, Klippan Commun (which I assume is a rough sort of county designation) is spectacularly beautiful. When we pulled onto the farm where we are renting a house, I literally gasped with wonder. We are in such a bucolic picturesque setting that it is nearly impossible to describe. Here's a picture of the house we are (actually "were" but that's a story for another post). The family owns about 1,000 acres of farm land and we are staying in what once was a old mill (one of seven on the property).

As you can see, completely perfect in so many ways. However, I have also come to learn that we are staying in the equivalent of hicks-ville, Sweden. Think the farmlands of Iowa or Nebraska. Actually, it really pretty much looks like Wisconsin, except the architecture is much better and well kept and everyone drives new Volvos. This has the side-effect such that we have no internet or phone for miles and there is no one around besides older people who still work on the farms and teenagers who haven't been allowed to leave for the bigger cities yet. Very strange and in many ways confining. It is a magical place to vacation but not such a great place to get work done or meet people. Oh well. It's Sweden for Chrissake. How much complaining can I really do?

11 April 2008

Simply Amazing.

Garfield Minus Garfield. So good. No words will fit right now. Brilliant.

04 April 2008

Moon Unit

I love space and therefore I love this cabinet. I think it is in some kinda glow in the dark paint or print. Design by Sotirios Papadopoulos for ENNEZERO.

Edward Burtynsky

I've loved Edward Burtynsky's work for years now and I just came across this image. I think it is a ship being dismantled in Bangladesh.

30 March 2008

I've decided to try and restart this thing....

OK, so no one reads my web log. I've decided to try and start updating this thing more frequently. We'll see how well that goes. At this point, I'm primarily going to be linking to cool shit I find on the internet. I don't have time yet to post my own stuff, but maybe someday.... In the mean time, here's a cool jpg of the work of an artist that I don't know the name of. Does anybody else?

Germans have the right idea.

A group of German hackers have published the finger print of the German Secretary of the Interior, Wolfgang Schäuble. The club is protesting Germany's efforts to implement biometric data for things from passports to credit cards. From Slashdot.org:
Someone friendly to the club's aims captured Schäuble's fingerprint from a glass he drank from at a panel discussion. The club published 4,000 copies of their magazine Die Datenschleuder including a plastic foil reproducing the minister's fingerprint — ready to glue to someone else's finger to provide a false biometric reading. The CCC has a page on their site detailing how to make such a fake fingerprint. The article says a ministry spokesman alluded to possible legal action against the club.
Here's a link to the original German page, translated via Google.