24 August 2009

Arvo Part Concert Hall Competition

This summer I worked with one of my professors on a competition to renovate an old church in Rakvere, Estonia into the Arvo Part Concert Hall. The church was designed by an Estonian architect Kolti and was consecrated in 1941. However, it was never really used as a church and shortly after it was finished WWII reached Rakvere and shut down the church. When it "re-opened" in the 50s Estonia was under the grip of the Soviets and it was turned into a gymnasium.

Anyway, the competition brief asked us to design an annex for the church to house a secondary performance hall and re-design the urban plaza in front of the building. If you are unfamiliar, Arvo Part is an amazing minimalist composer committed to primarily slow, sacred works. We just found out we didn't win (we SHOULD have) so now I'm going to post the work that we did. All these drawings were done with Fransisco Gomes, AIA.

Site Plan

Floor Plans

Floor Plan & Diagrams

Sections & Perspectives

Sections, Elevations & Perspective

All these drawings are scaled down quite a bit but I thought someone might be interested in seeing them.

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