25 September 2009

Long time, no post.

OK, I promised myself I would post more here. I haven't. Instead I've been posting things to my tumblr page. If you haven't seen it, it is here

Partially, I have been sick as a dog unfortunately. I also suddenly "acquired" TMJ. Now I'm going to see a German physical therapist who massages my face and jaw for 30 mins twice a week. Jaw still hurts every time I eat but it is getting better. Hopefully it'll be fixed by the time my six sessions are up. 

I also haven't been out to architecture too much lately, nor have I had time to do any of my own work. I did go look at a Schinkel Mausoleum the other day located in the garden of Schloß Charlottenburg. Unfortunately, it was covered in scaffolding so now pictures or sketches. Going to try and get to Pottsdam this weekend if the weather is nice. I´ll let you know if I do.

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