28 September 2009

Potsdam on a beautiful Sunday

Rode the train to Potsdam this Sunday. Perfect weather. 72 degrees and not a could in the sky. I was in a bad mood from the night before. Woke up on the wrong side of the bed. I rode my bike to the main park, locked it up and walked around. Sat in the sun for a couple hours and made some drawings. That made me content and put me in a great mood. 

Took a bunch of pictures like these. I've posted a new Picasa album here

Trying to figure out how to do some Illustrator drawings. As you might guess, I'm getting a little stir crazy, design-wise. All I do everyday is layout and editing work and while it can be fun and challenging I am really starting to miss design problems.

A crop of one of the Illustrator drawings I'm working on.

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