07 August 2007

Bainbridge Island

My relatives, The Herlings visited Kate, Anthony and I this weekend in Seattle. They currently live outside Boston in Norwell. My oldest cousin, Ryan is about to start college at Vasser and Stephen is about to turn 16 and start driving. Ah, youth.

We took the ferry to Bainbridge Island, which was quite nice. There are all sorts of knick knack shops and the boys bought some fudge. Then we went to the beach but couldn't do a lot because we didn't bring our suits. Oh well, it looked really cold anyway.

I don't have a good picture of all of us together. Hmm. Maybe my Aunt or Uncle has a good one. If so, I'll try and track it down.

l-r: Stephen, Ryan, Anthony, Katie, Uncle Carl, Aunt Ellen.

Teatherball Action!

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