02 August 2007

Seth and Laura's Wedding in Houston

The week after my trip to Chicago, I flew down to Houston, TX to attend the wedding for fellow architecture student, Seth Borland and his wife Laura. It too, was a lot of fun. I got to spend time with good friends, eating good food, drinking and dancing. Not bad at all. The wedding was held in a beautiful methodist church and the reception was at the MFA of Houston. The Mies Van Der Rohe Building. Pretty amazing. Some of the galleries were open as was the James Turrell tunnel that runs to the Rafael Moneo addition. The wedding band was kickin and the night seemed fun for all. Unfortunately, I didn't actually get a picture of the bride and groom. Damnit! Maybe I can snag one from some flickr website....

A pic of the main reception hall in the MFA. Amazing room.

Jack and I at dinner and before the serious dancing got under way.

A collection of weird UT Architecture students. l-r: Stephen, David, Greg, Elizabeth, Jack, Erica, Seth, Wade, Doug, me, Roman. Yes, we do love the devil.

Entrance to the MFA with these awesome Japanese sculptures. I wrote down the name of the artist but lost it. Damn it. I want these in front of my house. Hideous and amazing.

Later, after the reception wore down we went to a house party and danced until 3:30am. Good times but probably not the smartest plan for feeling chipper the next morning.

Jack, me, Erica, Elizabeth

Elizabeth and Jack cuttin' it up. Erica drinks.

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